SARECO - La recherche d'une place de stationnement : stratégies, nuisances associées, enjeux pour la gestion du stationnement en France
"Parmi les participants à la circulation urbaine, les véhicules en quête d’une place de stationnement sur voirie représentent une part que l’on ne peut négliger a priori dans la mobilisation de tous les moyens de nature à réduire les émissions liées aux transports. Aucune étude n’avait jusqu’à présent tenté de quantifier de façon rigoureuse les enjeux de ce phénomène.​"
Proxima Mobile - Villes intelligentes : vers la géolocalisation en temps réel des places de stationnement
"L’information en temps réel sur les places disponibles sur la voirie ou dans les parkings a été à l’origine de nombreuses initiatives. La première génération de systèmes de stationnement intelligent reposait sur le déploiement de capteurs sans fil, eux-mêmes reliés à des applications mobiles. Plusieurs start-ups explorent de nouvelles approches pour éviter l’installation - coûteuse - de capteurs : caméras, radars et analyse prédictive."
Villes de France - Le stationnement, enjeu de mobilité urbaine
January 31, 2013
"Si l’époque n’est plus à adapter la ville à la voiture, cette dernière reste un maillon essentiel de la politique des déplacements, qui doit se concevoir aujourd’hui dans une approche globale et intermodale de la mobilité. Le stationnement est ainsi au cœur des politiques de mobilité urbaine, qu’il s’agisse de réguler la circulation automobile, d’encadrer le partage de la voirie, de favoriser les reports modaux, de conforter l’attractivité économique ou touristique d’un centre-ville. Mais le stationnement est aussi pour les collectivités une ressource financière non négligeable, dont il faut savoir tirer le meilleur parti dans un contexte tendu pour les finances locales."
Trends Tendance - Pour chaque voiture coincée dans les embouteillages, on perd 10,58€ par heure
April 20, 2015
These figures highlight the importance of traffic congestion and by doing so allowing to reduce daily waste of time having a major impact on our society. In this context, P-PGI can bring a significant improvement and make road traffic more fluid.
IEEE IoT Journal - Internet of Things for Smart Cities
January 31, 2014
"The Internet of Things (IoT) shall be able to incorporate transparently and seamlessly a large number of different and heterogeneous end systems, while providing open access to selected subsets of data for the development of a plethora of digital services. Building a general architecture for the IoT is hence a very complex task, mainly because of the extremely large variety of devices, link layer technologies, and services that may be involved in such a system."

of Brussel's congestion is linked with people searching for a parking space.
300.000 to 400.000 vehicles hosted in the Region of Brussels-Capital during a standard working day

Bruxelles Mobilité has introduced the “Téléjalonnement de Bruxelles-Capitale” project in order to improve the road traffic fluidity in the capital by redirecting drivers to transit parking lots and by encouraging them to use public transports. This project is called “Téléjalonnement des parkings”. According to the definition elaborated by the region, it turns out to be a “system which gives drivers information in real time regarding the parking offer in infrastructures (indoor or outdoor)”. Indeed some information are given to drivers and displayed on LED displays installed on roads.
Following a call for tender launched by the region of Brussels-Capital, the company SPIE Belgium was chosen to coordinate the project. Considering Pulsar’s expertise in the Intelligent Traffic Management, and the P-PGI tool (Pulsar Parking Guidance and Information system), Pulsar was chosen to ensure the software part of the “Télé-jalonnement de Bruxelles" application (Dynamic Parking Guidance of Brussels-Capital).
With Charvet Industries as supplier of the on-street displays, SPIE coordinates the infrastructure, installation, and deployment of 125 on-street displays in Brussels-Capital's streets and cross-roads.
The displays are 1,85m high and 2,05m wide and come up with 3 parts :
A BACKLIT HEADER with the colours and the logo of Brussels-Capital Region and the sign P for Parking

A VERTICAL STRIP with images (multicolour LED zone) on the left
A MONOCHROME LED ZONE on the right displaying parking lots' names and the number of free spots
A first range of displays has been placed outside the city centre in order to encourage people to use public transport and to decrease the number of cars in the zone.
The other displays have been installed in the city centre to guide drivers to its parking lots.
In the future, 125 displays will be deployed along and near the 5 main roads which access the city.


start guidance at the outside of the area, towards the centre along the main roads

encourage drivers to initially park in transit parking lots which are near public transport like bus, tram or subway

only guide vehicles using the roads regarded as "penetrating" in the IRIS plan towards the pentagon
A first group to encourage the use of public transport and to reduce the number of vehicles which enter the center of town (position chosen near public transport means)
2. A second group installed in the city itself, sending the cars drivers towards the downtown parking lots

The dynamic parking guidance system allows to gather various information on parking lots (name, location, number of parking spots available, etc.) and to display them on road displays in order to provide guidance to drivers.
The data are collected from the operators, are processed by the region and are displayed to drivers through road displays and through the "Bruxelles Mobilité" portal.


Microsoft Asp MVC5
IIS 8 Javascript MVC Framework
Twitter Bootstrap CSS
Jquery Datatables
Reports (PDF, Excel)

P-PGI Tool
Microsoft Windows Server 2012
Microsoft SQL Server 2012
Microsoft .NET v4.5
Entity Framework
Pulsar Background SDK
Pulsar SmartDeploy
Visual Studio 2013.

Microsoft AZURE : real IAAS
easy scalability
automated backups and data distribution
multi-site possibility