The parking guidance product, based on a web platform, integrates a standardized data model into its database, facilitating the data exchange with other intelligent transport systems having adopted the standard data format. It also allows creating, at request, new intelligent transport systems based on this standard. Please find below more info on the parking data model chosen as standard for data exchange.
"ITS (Intelligent Transport Systems) is a member organization that stimulates ICT- and Internet-based innovation and collaboration in the transport and mobility domain, focusing on Mobile Solutions […], Traffic Technology […] and mobility management solutions […] for local authorities, police zones, public transport operators, regional and federal authorities as well as for parking operators. […] Apart from industry, the Brussels, Flemish and Walloon regions, as well as the federal authorities, are active members of ITS."
(Reference :
“Parking information services allow users to easily access parking facilities based on accurate and up-to-date information. Examples are (static or real-time) access, usage or guidance information. Parking information services are expected to be widely introduced across Europe as studies show that they have a significant impact on the utilization of parking facilities as well as on traffic congestion and user comfort.
Today, these information services are typically offered by the parking operator or the urban traffic manager. In the future, however, these services will increasingly be offered by third parties. They will also be integrated in larger, multimodal service offerings. "
(Reference : ITS - Parking Working Group papers)

The standardization of the data exchange model for parking information became an important mission of ITS-Parking Working Group. The result of the group work, including analysis, coordination, centralization, modeling, normalization, etc, was the ITS Parking Specifications (or ITSPS), offered to parking managers and traffic operators, public or private, to model and exchange their data in a standard format.
The Parking Information Data Communication Specification offers a standardized message format and the physical organization of the different data items in such a way that they can be easily communicated by a parking operator to a consumer of the parking data (mobile, car, web, etc).
"The [...] ITSPS [...] aims to offer a standardised message format for communicating parking-related data from parking operator (content provider) to a service provider. As ITSPS is a feeder (business to business) specification enabling service providers to not only deliver point-to-point but also broadcast services, the message format is closely related to TPEG-PKI and DATEX."
(Reference : ITS - Parking Working Group papers)
"Delivering European Transport Policy in line with the ITS Action Plan of the European Commission requires co-ordination of traffic management and development of seamless pan European services. With the aim to support sustainable mobility in Europe, the European Commission has been supporting the development of information exchange mainly between the actors of the road traffic management domain for a number of years.
DATEX II is a European data standard that facilitates the exchange of information between the different actors of traffic management. This standard was developed by the European Commission, following its ITS Action Plan.
P-PGI data structure was initially based on ITS model. Today, with the replacement of ITS by DATEX II approved extension on parking publications, our P-PGI product will make use of exchange formats fully compatible with DATEX II model.
Pulsar has developed specific expertise with DATEX II model. Moreover, with a tool developed by Pulsar which allows to read and "understand" a model and generate related code, we generated our own HTML publication of DATEX II model.

In the road sector, the DATEX standard was developed for information exchange between traffic management centres, traffic information centres and service providers and constitutes the reference for applications that have been developed in the last 10 years.
The second generation DATEX II specification now also pushes the door wide open for all actors in the traffic and travel information sector. Much investment has been made in Europe, both in traffic control and information centres over the last decade and also in a quantum shift in the monitoring of the trans-European transport network (TEN-T). This is in line with delivering the objectives of the EasyWay programme for safer roads, reduced congestion and a better environment.
Collecting information is only part of the story – to make the most of the investment data needs to be exchanged both with other centres and, in a more recent development, with those developing pan-European services provided directly to road users. DATEX was originally designed and developed as a traffic and travel data exchange mechanism by a European task force set up to standardise the interface between traffic control and information centres. With the new generation DATEX II it has become the reference for all applications requiring access to dynamic traffic and travel related information in Europe."
Set of icons for Traffic/Parking-Guidance/Smart City - Intellectual property in the public domain.
The following icons are applicable to road traffic, parking management, parking guidance to car parks, and Smart City domain. The icons were initially created by the Belgian private company Pulsar Consulting sa, here under referred to as PULSAR, for its tool Pulsar Parking Guidance and Information System, hereunder referred to as P-PGI, dedicated to dynamic guidance of drivers to free parking spots, on-street and in-parking, as well as for traffic guidance, for instance to avoid traffic jams in town.
At request of the Brussels Region-Mobility Ministry, hereunder referred to as BM, the icons were integrated in the the tool Telejalonnement de Bruxelles (, based on P-PGI. Further on, the Belgian organisation ITS Belgium, hereunder referred to as ITS, took interest in standardizing for the Belgian traffic and Smart City industry a set of traffic/ITS icons, and enlarged the set with new icons used in their area, under supervision and integration by Pulsar.
PULSAR, in agreement with BM and ITS, decided to put these icons in the public domain as from April 1st 2015, meaning they can freely and gratuitously be used by anyone (individual, company, institution, organization, etc.), hereunder referred to as THE USERS, in order to promote standardization of the communication/signaling in this area.
The icons can be modified and shared in their original or modified form.
The icons can be used in other areas than those for which they were created. For example: gas stations, road transport, roads management in factories and warehouses.
THE USERS are encouraged to share them around them (customers, partners, suppliers) for the same standardization reason.
THE USERS cannot take ownership of any intellectual property right on the icons, wherever in original form or a modified one. They must remain in the public domain. In case of usage or share of the icons in their original form or modified one, the name of the creator has to be mentioned, namely Pulsar Consulting SA, on each document or software programs displaying them.
THE USERS are encouraged to participate in enriching the set of icons by proposing new icons to PULSAR, that maintain the set in the public domain. PULSAR reserves the right to refuse publication in the "set of icons for Traffic/Parking/Guidance", to modify them before publication, or to contact THE USERS who made the proposal. In all cases, new icons will also be published in the public domain and under the same conditions (here above) as the original ones.